Sanctuary Rabbit

Rizzo is a sanctuary rabbit. Sanctuary rabbits are special rabbits who are no longer likely to be adopted but remain in the Indiana House Rabbit Society's care. They are provided endless love, long-term care and support.

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Rabbit Sanctuary


lop mix
Age: 5 years 2 months
Weight: 6.5 lbs.

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Hi my name is Rizzo! My brother and I were surrendered to a shelter where they discovered I was urinating blood and had a bladder stone.

The nice people at Indiana HRS took me in. I had surgery to remove the stone right away. It was ginormous!

I wish my health troubles were over :(. I was having trouble eating my food, so I had a dental procedure. They discovered that all of the teeth on the right side of my mouth were loose and fell out.

Despite my medical trouble, I am super friendly and love to be petted. I eat special pellets which are easy to chew. My foster mom chops my herbs and greens into smaller pieces so they are easier for me to eat. I also eat soft hay.

I am thankful that IHRS is taking care of me for the rest of my life :)

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Profile last updated on 11/25/2024