Tulip is a sanctuary rabbit. Sanctuary rabbits are special rabbits who are no longer likely to be adopted but remain in the Indiana House Rabbit Society's care. They are provided endless love, long-term care and support. | Sponsor Tulip
Tulip is a sanctuary rabbit. Sanctuary rabbits are special rabbits who are no longer likely to be adopted but remain in the Indiana House Rabbit Society's care. They are provided endless love, long-term care and support.
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Hi, my name is Tulip! I was dumped outside and some nice people found me. They could tell the first night that something was wrong with me. I was very unsteady and fell over easily. I saw the exotic vet soon right away. They ran a LOT of tests and everything was negative, except for having arthritis. They assume my condition is neurological. I am on yummy daily pain medication that helps me get around better. I have settled into house rabbit life and enjoy being around other rabbits. My favorite part of being a house rabbit is getting daily salads, I even do little binkies for them. I have even learned to like pets! During run time I like to dig in tunnels. I love to chew on cardboard. My foster mom’s favorite is when I wear my hop n flop around like a turtle shell.